Friday 11 January 2013

God project

God project

To our second task we were asked to choose a partner and document them as God. My partner and I decided to talk about our own religions: he’s muslin and I’m a catholic. After discuss we concluded that even with religions so different our beliefs are very similar. We both believe in one God, that cannot be seem but it’s present in everything, He’s omnipresent. I thought it was amazing two religions that seem totally different are based in the same beliefs! So we decided to “mix our beliefs”. We both tried to find something that represented our beliefs: Kargar created a couple of amazing drawings based on his belief that God is in everything and we can definitely se Him in the beautiful things; I’ve choose a symbol of faith of the place I live – an oratorio – a kind of small altar that we use to show the saints or objects we have faith in. So we’ve made an illustration with that mixed ours ideas!

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