Monday 13 May 2013

Our Homes Are Mirrors of Ourselve

Our Homes Are Mirrors of Ourselve

Domicile is first condition to fulfill a life (Bevan 1999). For why I’m going to describe about my domicile which is student’s accommodation? Where my time line of my life is related in here my sensible nuance always works for. And now, I’m going to describe my entire nuance about my accommodation which seems to my mirror.

Picture: My Room My Mirror (Fischer and Nakakoji 1997)


A room is any distinguishable space within a structure. According to Chackbarti and Bligh (2001) usually, a room is separated from other spaces or passageways by interior walls; moreover, it is separated from outdoor areas by an exterior wall, sometimes with a door. Historically the use of rooms dates at least to early Minoan cultures about 2200 BC, where excavations on Santorini, Greece at Akrotiri reveal clearly defined rooms within certain structures” (Cheng and Kvan 2000).My room is maintaining this definition and as I am going to describe about my accommodation, this project is all way related to my domicile. In where, I have taken help from a Google Sketch Up to create my design (Fischer and Nakakoji 1997). That is it, when I arranged my room in first time; I also used this to make my room as my mirror. In that time, I tried to make this happen by Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator, Quark Express and etc. But it was quite impossible to work with these to make my room as I want to.Before using Google Sketch Up I also become acknowledgement about one helper or tool by which I have been satisfied. (Jeng and Eastman 1998). For why this project is really become related to me and my life. From bed to bed or brush to brush my room gives company with me. Because, when I need to sleep, it’s my room which shows me the way to do it. After my waking up, I do my brush, have my bath, take my breakfast, change my cloths, go for class or sit on my PC, do my thinking, take rest, do my study etc. and last go my bed again for recharging my Brain and my body. For why, my time line of my life is fully approximately related to my room. My room is placed with my classmates which is actually students’ accommodation. I take my meal to the table where I study and work in other times. In my room there is two different kinds of chairs. One is for my study which is folding chair and another one is for my other activities like work. Between them, study chair is my favorite one. Sometimes I see many kinds of movie in my PC like Hollywood Movies & Some Irene Movies. Among all movies which I have seen from the beginning to now, I like the Disney Movies5. And in book site, I always like to read and the favorite book becomes “How to Win Friends and Influence People” 6.I leave my brought up place. Now I stay with my class friends in a student accommodation where my friends always try to share one another feelings whatever it’s good or bad, which is the reason to make comfortable with life Though I always miss my parents, my younger sister and elder brother,. There are many kind of difference between these two places, one is quite easy for live and another is not. One gives me my parents love and another gives me friends company. One is bounded by parents order and another is bounded by own orders. But the main difference becomes I was with my parents in my brought up place, but now I am with my friends. And now I always miss them from my bottom of my heart. From the beginning of my life I am very much expert to mix up with different kind of atmosphere. For why, when I have changed my accommodation I was not worry at all. And now I am living my room which is my mirror, its environment is my energetic for me.
My room is the best room for mine. In my room I feel very comfortable. First of all, my room is Single room which is just for me. It has everything what a student had to have and it makes my room ‘A Complete Satisfied Room’. My room is very quiet and that’s why most of my complex works are done in here sometimes which are useful and sometimes which are not. All of my personal duty has become true in here. It has no window that’s why it is very good for studying. The spaces of the room give anyone the refreshes so the feelings will be great in staying here. There is actually everything for me in this room. My room has a very decent single bed in its corner, when I feel tired I took a short nap in my bed. There is also a study desk, in the desk there is a bookshelf in it where I put all sorts of book I like to read a lot books in my room. In my desk I do lot of work. There is a window in front of which the garden can be seen.  A little breeze comes from the south so that the inside feeling is so much invigorated by the weather. There is also an attached bathroom which is also well decorated. The roominess of the room gives me extra relax and refresh (Rubin 1994). I study, read different sort of books above all kind of books I like the science fiction most eat my meal watch movie, drama, anime as well as do my regular assignment with my laptop. There is also a guestroom and a lounge for the guests. There is a closet in the corner shelf. My important things will be kept on that shelf.  The view from the room is very important for me. There is a huge Locker under my bed, in that Locker I put my entire important thing and lock it safely. There is a very beautiful clock in my room. I always try to keep my room neat and clean. Because of all this furniture the room looks very gorgeous. My room also have an attach bathroom so it’s very easy for me to get fresh whenever I want. I can surely say that my room is the complete room for a student. All over the things I just know that Satisfaction is most important thing for anything. Someone gets it from whatever they have and someone’s not. And here comes twist for me cause I always satisfies with what I have. For why I am also satisfied with my room.


“The pleasure to be found in travelling round one's room is sheltered from the restless jealousy of men, and is independent of Fortune” 7. (Ngor 2001) states the quotation has a valuable message about one’s room in which I also have trusts. I may lie before about this fact and so am I. Because, anyone should fervently conjure and beseech that they also want their room not only neat and clean but also updated. I do hereby declare that I have discovered many hidden things from my room which is now encouraging me to go forward. The precious thing I also discovered is my room is surely my mirror (Schon 1983). I have to say that this assignment may for one time but it gives me some life time acknowledgement. It also gives rhythm feelings about my room: “Like An Angel Passing through My Room”8.


1.     Bevan, N., 1999. Design for usability. In Proceedings of HCI International,Munich, August, 22.P.10e.
2.     Chakbarti, A. and Bligh, T. P., 2001. A scheme for functional reasoning in conceptual design. Design Studies, 22(6), 493-517.
3.     Cheng, N. and Kvan, T., 2000. Design collaboration strategies. In Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Design and Decision Support Systems in Architecture, p. 62-73.
4.     Fischer, G. and Nakakoji, K., 1997. Computational environments supporting creativity in the context of lifelong learning and design. Special Issue of International Journal of Knowledge-based Systems, vol.10, 21-28.
5.     Jeng T. S. and Eastman, C. M., 1998. Database architecture for design collaboration. Automation in Construction, 7(6), 475-483.
6.     Ngor, A., 2001. The prospects for using the Internet in collaborative design education with China. Higher Education, 42(1), 47-60.
7.     Rubin, J., 1994. Handbook of usability testing: How to plan, design, and conduct effective tests. Canada: John Wiley & Sons Inc.
8.     Schon, D. A., 1983. The Reflective Practitioner: How professionals think inaction. San Francisco: Basic Books.

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